Can you afford to ignore a $61 billion market with household incomes 1.4 times higher than the Canadian average? If not, grab these reports.

Report Title: Chinese Migration: Canada’s Standing Amongst the Largest Population in the World
For brands and marketers to realize how vital immigration to Canada from Mainland China and Hong Kong is to our future and prosperity.

Pages:  50 Format: PDF
Published: September 2021
Price: $395
Purchasable with Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Google, and Apple Pay
Please note that digital copy will be emailed, printed copies are not available.

Chinese Migration: Canada’s Standing Amongst the Largest Population in the World


SKU: 001-1 Category:

Chinese Migration: Canada’s Standing Amongst the Largest Population in the World is a ground-breaking pilot study conducted by Hamazaki Wong and Vivintel – powered by RIWI.

It has revealed that a projected 69 million adults in Mainland China and Hong Kong are considering Canada as a top destination to start a new life. While only a fraction will eventually make their way to Canada, it’s more important than ever for brands and marketers to realize how vital immigration to Canada is to our future success and prosperity, and to adjust to the ever evolving, ever diversifying face of our nation.

Providing an unprecedented view of potential new Canadians – from their current home in Mainland China and Hong Kong – this detailed report shares insight into what the future could hold, and how businesses could look to adapt to, plan for, and attract this vital community in new and more relevant ways.

Leveraging data from the pilot study and more, the report provides insights on potential new Chinese-Canadian consumers, highlighting:

  • The current need for migration to Canada
  • Demographic profiles of the current Chinese consumer in Canada
  • Demographic profiles of those considering migration
  • How potential Chinese migrants compare Canada to other top destinations like the US, UK, and Australia
  • Primary reasons to migrate to Canada
  • Professional reasons to migrate to Canada
  • Their education standing and fluency in English
  • Key differences between those migrating from Mainland China vs Hong Kong
  • Potential marketing and planning strategies to meet the demands of new Chinese Canadians
  • Business and social implications of Chinese migration

The report covers a wide spectrum of these demographics, saving you valuable time from cross-tabulations, data analysis, and interpretation.

Report Title: Chinese Market Study
Media Usage and Behaviour, Demographics, and Observations on the Chinese Market in Canada and its Importance to Your Marketing
Pages: 98, Format: PDF
Published: October 2020
Price: $2,849
Purchasable with Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Google, and Apple Pay
Please note that digital copy will be emailed, printed copies are not available.

Chinese Market Study


SKU: 002 Category:

Report Title: Chinese Consumer Automotive Report
Behaviors, Preferences, and Observations on the Chinese Automotive Consumer in Canada
Pages: 88, Format: PDF
Published: January 2021
Price: $1,899
Purchasable with Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Google, and Apple Pay
Please note that digital copy will be emailed, printed copies are not available.

Chinese Consumer Automotive Report


SKU: 001 Category:

Want Chinese customers to pay attention to your brand? Fill the knowledge gap with the Chinese Market Study, the first comprehensive research and media study on the Chinese market in Canada in more than a decade.

This report provides a demographic overview of the Chinese consumer and covers key topics such as media consumption, preferences, and behaviours, cultural event opportunities, attitudinal statements, and more.

Our report will help you make informed decisions on your media choices, language(s) of communication, promotional events, and engagements to create brand awareness and ultimately, market to your customers.

It also equips marketers with full knowledge and an in-depth understanding of Chinese consumers in relation to their consumption of media. Additionally, it enables them to employ better media choices for reaching the Chinese audience that they desire.


The report segments the Chinese consumer by tenancy and age groups, providing greater insights into:

  • Chinese demographics in Toronto and
  • Chinese consumer expenditure in Canada and by markets, tenure, age groups.
  • Chinese consumer attitudes toward advertising and communication.
  • An in-depth analysis of the Chinese consumer by tenure or the number of years of residency in Canada.
  • An in-depth analysis of the Chinese consumer by different age groups, ages 18-34, ages 35-49, ages 50+
  • An insight into the composition of traditional, digital, and social media measured in the study, helping marketers plan and make better-informed media buying decisions.

Vivintel (Vividata’s custom research arm) released its inaugural ‘Ethnic Study: Insights into the Chinese Consumer’ in November 2019. The Study reveals a population of 1.2 Million adults of Chinese origin, aged 18+, in the Toronto CMA and Vancouver CMA.

The information in our report will help you make informed decisions on your media choices, the language(s) of communication, promotional events, and engagements to create brand awareness and ultimately, market to your customers.
Our report helps equip marketers with full knowledge and an in-depth understanding of Chinese consumers in relation to their consumption of media. Additionally, enables them to employ better media choices for reaching the Chinese audience that they desire.


The report covers a wide spectrum of these demographics and media, saving you valuable time from cross-tabulations, data analysis, and interpretation.

The Survey was conducted from mid-August to the end of September 2019 with a sample of 2,502 respondents (aged 18 and over), identified as being of Chinese origin, and residing in the Toronto cumulative market area (CMA) and Vancouver CMA. The sample consisted of those born in Canada, Chinese Canadian citizens and permanent residents, international students, those on an international co-op or internship, and those residing in Canada on a temporary work permit. The survey excludes Chinese visitors to Canada. Results are projected to StatsCan’s reporting of the Chinese population in Toronto and Vancouver by age and gender.


The Chinese Consumer Automotive Report takes an in-depth look at Chinese consumers in Canada and their automotive preferences. With a keen interest in automobiles, deepen your understanding of Chinese buyers and take these insights to further your marketing.

This report provides a brief demographic overview of the Chinese consumer and covers key topics including the top 20 auto brand preferences, purchase intent by country of origin, media behaviors, events and shopping opportunities, luxury segment, automotive services, supplies and products, attitudinal statements, and more.

Conducted as an agency partner with Vivintel (Vividata’s custom research arm) who released its inaugural ‘Ethnic Study: Insights into the Chinese Consumer’ in November 2019, the Chinese Consumer Automotive Report is derived from the findings of this study. Chinese consumers represent a highly desirable market with a self-declared consumer expenditure of more than $61 billion CAD.


Our report showcases the values of the Chinese consumer, their media habits, and as well as, their interest in the types and makes of the Brands of vehicles in Canada. The report also

provides triggers for the brand types that the consumer desire. The information will help you make informed decisions on your media choices, the language(s) of communication, promotional events, and engagements to create brand awareness and ultimately, market to your customers.

The report segments the Chinese consumer by tenancy and age groups, providing greater insights into:

  • A look at the Chinese Consumer in terms of ownership, intent to purchase, types of vehicles
  • Top 20 brands among the Chinese consumer by tenancy
  • Media consumption by brands, languages, and behavior
  • Brand demographics profile
  • Vehicles by country of origin
  • Luxury market – an insight into owners of luxury models and Chinese consumers who are in the market for luxury models. An in-depth understanding of the potential customers in this market, looking at their attitudes towards advertising, leisure activities, banking preferences, shopping events attended, Preference for luxury models by country of origin, social media, etc.
  • Auto aftermarket – shopping behavior; online or in-store purchase

In this category, luxury models or makes are of great interest, as 1 out of 3 Chinese consumers agree with the statement of buying “luxury brands to be different from others.” 34% prefer to drive a luxury vehicle and 40% say that “Given a choice, I’d choose a luxury automobile.” This report also explores the types of vehicles that Chinese consumers drive and the brands that they prefer.

As the report gives you an insight into how Chinese consumers react in automotive shopping, it can save you time from cross-tabulations, data analysis, and interpretation.


Vivintel (Vividata’s custom research arm) released its inaugural ‘Ethnic Study: Insights into the Chinese Consumer’ in November 2019. The Chinese Consumer Automotive Report is derived from the findings of this study. Chinese consumers represent a highly desirable market with a self-declared consumer expenditure of more than C$61 Billion. In this category, luxury models or makes are of great interest, as I out of 3 Chinese consumers agree with the statement of buying “luxury brands to be different from others.” 34% prefer to drive a Luxury vehicle and 40% say that “Given a choice, I’d choose a Luxury automobile.” This report also explores the types of vehicles that Chinese consumers drive and the brands that they prefer.

This report was prepared by Hamazaki Wong, an agency partner of Vividata. Hamazaki Wong is a leading multicultural agency that works with a diversity of local and national clients and brands in practically every area of marketing communications. The agency’s award-winning and innovative ways have blazed a trail in the marketing arena and in community programs. Strategic, creative, insightful, Hamazaki Wong’s reputation for excellence, along with its thought-leadership, helps its clients stand out from the crowd. For more information about this report, please contact Ivy Roth, Manager of Insights and Research


The Survey was conducted from mid-August to the end of September 2019 with a sample of 2,502 respondents (aged 18 and over), identified as being of Chinese origin, and residing in the Toronto cumulative market area (CMA) and Vancouver CMA. The sample consisted of those born in Canada, Chinese Canadian citizens and permanent residents, international students, those on an international co-op or internship, and those residing in Canada on a temporary work permit. The survey excludes Chinese visitors to Canada. Results are projected to StatsCan’s reporting of the Chinese population in Toronto and Vancouver by age and gender.

The Chinese Market Study and Chinese Consumer Automotive Report are available as a bundle for $3,748.

Both Report Bundle


SKU: 004 Category:
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