Too much for just one page…

This page lists just a few of the custom theme shortcodes that make it much more accessible, however there are hundreds of other shortcode based content features we can’t even begin to list because there are just too many. Luckily they’re all integrated into our visual content builder that uses drag-and-drop functionality and easy to navigate admin options so you don’t need to remember any complex codes, parameters or anything else for that matter.

Take a peek at some of the content elements you can create using the visual content builder:

Design Elements from Shortcodes

Blogs from Shortcodes

The [[blog]] shortcode allows you to add a blog post list to any area of your site. The shortcode can have any parameters available in the WP_Query function. See a full list here: WP_Query Parameters.

Array variables should be separated by commas: “value_1,value_2″
For example, [[blog tag_slug__in=”break,baking”]] will query posts with tags “bread” or “baking”.

The [[blog]] shortcode also accepts custom parameters:

Specify the template name (with .php) for the layout. This accepts “blog-image-left” or “blog-image-top” (default).

Example: [[blog template=”blog-image-left”]]

Show the paging: « 1 2 » Values: true (default), false

Example: [[blog paging=”false”]]

More about the blog shortcode

Portfolios from Shortcodes

The [[portfolio]] shortcode allows you to add a portfolio to any area of your site. The shortcode can have any parameters available in the WP_Query function. See a full list here: WP_Query Parameters.

Array variables should be separated with commas: “value_1,value_2″
For example, [[portfolio post__in=”12,9”]] will query items with ID 12 and 9.

The [[portfolio]] shortcode also accepts custom parameters:

Specify the template name (with .php) for the layout. This accepts “grid-rows”, “grid-rows-filtered”, “grid-staggered” and “grid-staggered-filtered”.

Example: [[portfolio template=”grid-rows-filtered”]]

Show the paging: « 1 2 » Values: true (default), false

Example: [[portfolio paging=”false”]]

Specify a number of columns (default: 3).

Example: [[portfolio columns=”5″]]

taxonomy_slug and taxonomy_terms
While not specific to the portfolio, these parameters are for custom taxonomies. They must BOTH be entered into the shortcode. This simplifies custom taxonomy queries.

[[portfolio taxonomy_slug=”portfolio-category” taxonomy_terms=”print,music,video”]]

More about the portfolio shortcode

Static Content Blocks

Static block content can be inserted into your Headers, Footers, Layouts and directly into other content using the shortcode: [[static_content id=”id-or-slug”]]

When inserting a static content block with the shortcode, the ID should be the slug for that block. The slug is found just below the title field when editing and appears as the end of the URL path to the page: “mysite/featured-products/”

More Shortcodes


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