I Just Don’t Get It
I immigrated to Canada at an early age, and although it was tough at the beginning, I was fortunate to catch onto the multitude of inconsistencies in the English language. Let’s face it, English [...]
I immigrated to Canada at an early age, and although it was tough at the beginning, I was fortunate to catch onto the multitude of inconsistencies in the English language. Let’s face it, English [...]
For the last decade, Flash websites are all the rage. Its functionality allowed many to create media from streamed video or audio players, to advertisement and interactive multimedia content. [...]
On July 20, Hamazaki Wong had the pleasure of representing Air Canada at the 2014 S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Walk with the Dragon event. The very popular “Air Canada Lucky Draw” dice game drew a [...]
Since the 1970s, multiculturalism has been a part of Canadian culture and law. It’s one of the ways the country sees itself (except for perhaps Quebec on occasion). However, multiculturalism [...]
Game design has always been an interest of mine. There is so much more to a game than just the thrill: the depth of each game mechanism, details of visuals and choices of audio effects, to the [...]
The creators at Hamazaki Wong recently redesigned Warnett Hallen LLP’s website. We wanted to focus on branding Warnett Hallen as a boutique style Personal Injury Law Firm. With a fresh and [...]
大多中国人善勤俭持家,可以归于“节俭是美德”的祖训,也是因为当年的中国,虽幅员辽阔,却生产力低下,国贫民弱,物质匮乏,让这种勤俭之风成为一种植入基因、世代相传的精神和物质上的双重自律。 曾经,在冬季里,不会奢侈地将室温加热到只穿衬衣;夏日里,不会把空调开到冻得手脚冰凉;不会大方地让自来水哗哗流走;大多时候出门不是脚踩油门,而是徒步,坐公共汽车,或骑自行车……
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