Sonny Wong Named a Judge for the 2012 CASSIES

Sonny Wong has been named a judge of the 2012 edition of the CASSIES. He is among one of 12 judges on a panel represented by clients, agencies, media, academic, interactive, international and research disciplines. “It’s an honour to be part of this prestigious program and I look forward to meeting and working with my fellow judges during the adjudication process,” says Sonny.

About the CASSIES

The CASSIES are Canada’s only advertising award show based on proven business effectiveness and backed by rigorous published cases. The CASSIESare presented by the Institute of Communication Agencies (ICA), the Association des agences de Publicité du Québec (AAPQ) and Association des professionnels de la communication et du marketing (APCM).  Since their inception in 1993, CASSIES have recognized the business achievements of over 300 campaigns from Canada’s top advertisers and agencies.  All award-winning case studies can be viewed in the Case Library section of the CASSIES website at

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