Chow Mein!

For the past 3 weeks, we had the pleasure of working with Kelly Cao as she completes her BCIT practicum here at Hamazaki Wong. Kelly is currently in her final week of completing her New Media [...]



开学第三周,孩子们还没学上。街上随处可以看到成群的半大孩子在游荡。这个时候,会心生悲悯和愤懑。我们的孩子,你们受教育的权利到哪儿去了? 在倍受推崇的加拿大自由与人权宪章中,受教育权是宪法规定的一项基本权利,走到哪里,都要受到保护。但是现状呢? [...]

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