开学第三周,孩子们还没学上。街上随处可以看到成群的半大孩子在游荡。这个时候,会心生悲悯和愤懑。我们的孩子,你们受教育的权利到哪儿去了? 在倍受推崇的加拿大自由与人权宪章中,受教育权是宪法规定的一项基本权利,走到哪里,都要受到保护。但是现状呢? [...]
开学第三周,孩子们还没学上。街上随处可以看到成群的半大孩子在游荡。这个时候,会心生悲悯和愤懑。我们的孩子,你们受教育的权利到哪儿去了? 在倍受推崇的加拿大自由与人权宪章中,受教育权是宪法规定的一项基本权利,走到哪里,都要受到保护。但是现状呢? [...]
Hamazaki Wong Marketing Group has partnered with Chinese-Panel to create Social Insights, an innovative market research practice that uses social media to gather market intelligence from the [...]
Game design has always been an interest of mine. There is so much more to a game than just the thrill: the depth of each game mechanism, details of visuals and choices of audio effects, to the [...]
The creators at Hamazaki Wong recently redesigned Warnett Hallen LLP’s website. We wanted to focus on branding Warnett Hallen as a boutique style Personal Injury Law Firm. With a fresh and [...]
May 29, 2014 — Hamazaki Wong adds a Silver to its existing Gold at the 2014 Marketing Awards! Hamazaki Wong was recognized with a Silver Award for its work for Air Canada’s Lowest Price Guarantee [...]
Ask any Canadian or American citizen of Asian descent this question: How are Asian people represented in mainstream film and television? Likely, their answers will all be quite similar. Asians [...]
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