BCLC PlayNow Live Casino
Launch Campaign
Mobile-savvy Chinese consumers leverage digital connectivity for everything from entertainment to social sharing to shopping and more. Higher fluency in English, higher household income, and active entertainment seeking all make Chinese consumers attractive target for gaming products. From building awareness to driving player acquisition, Hamazaki Wong developed a 12-month period communication plan for the BC Lottery Corporation's Live Casino with campaigns in print, OOH, digital and social channels.
A crowning feature of this campaign was its appeal to multiple Chinese audiences: newer immigrants, young professionals, established professionals, homemakers, and retirees, all of whom have varying language preferences. The result? It was a hit. The Live Casino campaign reached sales and acquisition targets well earlier than expected.
Client: BC Lottery Corporation
Services: Creative Messaging, Activations & Promotions, Media & Media Relations, Strategy and Planning
Date: Feb 2018
Website: www.playnow.com/live-casino/