Warnett Hallen - Got Hurt

Campaign Creative

banner banner artwork
banner banner artwork

As a departure from those cheezy late-night TV ads you see from personal injury law firms, Hamazaki Wong created a campaign for Warnett Hallen that combated homogeneity with creativity. Rather than talking heads in poor fitted suits accompanied by screaming headlines, Warnett Hallen’s latest campaign makes use of simple chalk drawings similar to those used to depict accident scenes in pop culture.

While not used today, chalk outlines are highly recognizable and Hamazaki Wong extended this technique to creatively amplify Warnett Hallen’s message to the local market. Most importantly, it differentiates Warnett Hallen from all the sameness rampant in the industry. Supported by the tagline, Settle for More, the creative direction and tone actually invites Warnett Hallen clients to settle for more in a far more compelling way.

Client: Warnett Hallen

Services: Print, Digital, Radio, Social Media

Date: Oct 2017

Website: www.warnetthallen.com

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